Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan has started his lectures on “Global Trade and Disruptive Technologies to LL.M. International Trade and Commercial Laws and M.A. Public Policy and Governance students at CVV. Dr. Badri Narayanan is an academic researcher, applied economist and business consultant with extensive experience in producing, managing global economic datasets and models that are used by academic/policy/industry researchers and analysts across the World. He currently works as a Professor with Center for International Trade in Forestry, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington Seattle. He holds a PhD from the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
The course introduces the fundamentals of world trade and emerging technological disruptions, exploring practical interrelationships between these two apparently different subjects. During the first part of this course, students will learn about the global trading system, including basic theories, trends, and policies affecting trade dynamics. Building upon this foundation, students will then focus on a high-level understanding of disruptive technologies with special emphasis on how they would be game-changers in trade.
The online classes for this course began today by discussing the fundamentals of global trade. The course shall for 15 weeks with weekly one lecture of two hour duration.
We may be able to accommodate a few more students who are interested in studying the nuances of Global Trade and its interplay with emerging technologies. Interested persons may contact us at nithin.kumar@cvv.ac.in.